Some of my best memories growing up center around my grandparent's backyard playing wiffleball with my cousins for hours on end in the summer and fall. We had an automatic homerun rule if you put the ball over the top of the powerlines that hung near our 'centerfield'. If you have some of the same types of memories growing up check out this Eagan wiffleball league that could be 'the largest in the U.S.' according to the Star Tribune. 

In what began as a few posts on a website in 2004 turned into an 8 team league the first year. The Home Run League: Twin Cities has now morphed into 22 teams with two 'leagues' much like the American and National Leagues in MLB. The 'leagues' are Eagan and Hopkins, with Eagan featuring 12 teams and Hopkins 10.

Players even use the traditional bright yellow skinny wiffleball bat that I remembered using. Even though this video looks a little staged, the games are competitive and the league even has a fully functional website complete with statistics going back to 2004.

I sent the commissioner a tweet asking how teams are adopted into the league, or if 'free agents' can offer their services up for a season if they don't have enough for a proper team. I'll update this if I hear back.

Games are played on Monday's and Thursday's you can check out the schedule here. Relive a part of your childhood growing up and catch a game or two this summer!

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