10 Fabulous Ideas for the Old Shopko Store in Rochester

Rochester has a bunch of empty buildings but there is one specific spot that really needs some help. If you haven't driven by the old Shopko South store lately, let's just say...it is looking a bit on the rough side. If you were given one million dollars and could turn that vacant store into something amazing, what would turn it into?
10 amazing ideas for what should go in the old Shopko South store
Honestly, with the size that Rochester is, I'm shocked we don't already have some of these amazing ideas already! Which one is your favorite idea? Or, maybe you have another one that would also be fantastic for our city? Let me know! Send me a message over on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio - or on Instagram.
I don't have one million dollars for you but I do know how you could score $10,000. You can win cash, up to $10,000 just by listening to our station. We are shouting out some special, secret words. When you hear those, you enter them in on our app and BAM! you could be $10,000 richer just for listening to the radio. If you could use some free cash, click here to find out when to listen for the secret codes.
If you aren't wanting to open a new business in town but you still want to win the cash, don't worry, we've got ideas for you too! Keep scrolling to find 10 ways to spend $10,000 in just 10 minutes.
Listen live to Jessica Williams from 6 am until 10 am on the Y-105FM Early Morning Show with James and Jessica.
10 Ways to Spend $10,000 in 10 Minutes in Rochester
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