A huge and massive 200-foot wall is being constructed in Southeast Minnesota on Saturday.  If you are in Rochester, Minnesota on Saturday, you are asked to stop by and help create it!


Massive 200-Foot Food Wall Being Built in Rochester, Minnesota

Rochester is a very interesting town.  You have million-dollar homes scattered in various spots and neighborhoods...and they are gorgeous.  I wouldn't want to clean that many square feet but I'd love to have that much space and elegance!  And then you have individuals that have no home or are making extremely tough decisions.  Example - are the funds that they have going to be used to buy food or to pay their mortgage, rent, electricity bill, or other various bills that humans have.  In fact, there are moms in our community who I have learned about that aren't eating a meal or a full meal just so their kids have something to eat.

Let that sink in for a sec.

Moms in Rochester aren't eating so their kids CAN.

Empty Kitchen Cupboards
MachineHeadz ThinkStock

If you've ever been frustrated by the tents that you've seen around town, curious about the individuals sitting in front of stores or on corners with their signs, or just want to help those who are struggling but aren't sure how, there is a really easy way for you to make a huge impact on Saturday.

courtesy of The Rochester Salvation Army
courtesy of The Rochester Salvation Army

Feed The Need 3 is a way to help fill the Salvation Army's downtown food shelf for an entire year!  A 200-foot food wall is being built on Saturday and this wall is going to help supply groceries to 90 households every single week for a full year in our area.  You might think that the "90" number sounds like a lot but it is just a small chunk of people that are struggling to make ends meet in Rochester right now.

The Salvation Army food shelf is the only pantry in our community that is accessible to the downtown area without vehicle transportation and acts as a safety net for 90 households every week. Rising food costs and high inflation have led to nearly double the number of households using the food shelf over the past year. - The Rochester MN Salvation Army

Kim David/TSM
Kim David/TSM

Here's How You Can Help Create the 200-Foot Wall in Rochester, Minnesota

  • This week, do a little shopping for the following: boxes of cereal, granola/cliff bars, canned soup, canned pasta meals like Chef Boyardee, baked beans, peanut butter, condiments/jellies, cooking oils, and snack items. (All donations must be unopened and not expired.)
  • Drop off items at Evangel United Methodist Church at 2645 North Broadway (get directions) on Saturday, May 13th between 11 am and 2 pm.
  • Help build the wall and while you are there, enjoy live music from Light45, food from the Taco Lab food truck, games and other fun activities for families and kids.
  • Because this is springtime in Minnesota, there is always a chance of rain.  If that happens, the food collection will still happen and some of the activities will be modified.
courtesy of The Rochester Salvation Army
courtesy of The Rochester Salvation Army

“Last year’s event was so much more successful than we ever could have imagined.  We are so grateful to Evangel, and to the many members of our community who we know will donate food this weekend to make sure that our neighbors do not go hungry.” said Major Candace Voeller, Corps Officer of The Salvation Army

More Ways To Help The Salvation Army

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to call 507-288-3663 and the staff would be happy to help answer those for you.

Volunteers are still needed for the event on Saturday too.  If you have time on Saturday and can help, see the available opportunities at their Sign Up Genius page here.

Townsquare Media Rochester - Preston
Townsquare Media Rochester - Preston

Townsquare Media cares about our community! Every year, we help the community in a variety of ways from supporting local fundraisers, to running daily public service messages, to creating digital community campaigns and hosting events attended by thousands.

Do you have a community event coming up or a fundraiser?  Let us know!  Contact us at jessica.williams@townsquaremedia.com or fill out the form requesting more info at our Townsquare Cares page.

Places in Minnesota with Free Stuff for you on your Birthday

It's your BIG day and although you may not always want to celebrate adding another number to your age, there are several places in Rochester and throughout Minnesota that do want to celebrate your big day. Check out the list and start making a plan to visit all of these on your next birthday.

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