$350,000 in CARES Funds Helps Rochester’s Community Warming Center Expand

The COVID-19 pandemic has created change and stress for everyone. Keeping our distance has become the common language we all are using and practicing to keep one another safe. For those in our community that are homeless and seeking shelter at the Rochester Community Warming Center, this is also a priority but additional space was needed. As of Monday, November 16th, that expanded space is now available.
The Rochester Community Warming Center (200/204 4th Street SE in Rochester) is gearing up for the start of its winter season in a larger space. Beginning today, November 16, 2020, the warming center will operate in an expanded space to allow the center to accommodate more individuals needing overnight shelter while adhering to COVID-19 public health guidelines. - Olmsted County Facebook Page
According to the press release that was sent, Olmsted County Housing Director Dave Dunn stated “To provide shelter safely in a pandemic, not only did Catholic Charities need to modify operations at the RCWC, but as a county, we had to ensure the facility could provide appropriate space for proper physical distancing. In order to serve as many individuals as possible as safely as possible, it was necessary for us to expand the footprint of the RCWC. The county was able to use approximately $350,000 in CARES funds for this effort.”
Do you know a local company that is going above and beyond for their staff and the community during COVID-19? I'd love to learn more about what they are doing. Share those stories with me on my Facebook page, Jessica On The Radio.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
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