80% of Rochester Doesn’t Serve This At Thanksgiving, and They Should! (Watch)
Pringles has something new they're working on. A Thanksgiving Dinner. Chips for Turkey, stuffing and...mac and cheese? Yep! Do people serve mac and cheese at Thanksgiving? It turns out...yes. Yes they do. A listener schooled me yesterday.
I've never heard of it, but I love it! Just like I loved the stuffing with amazingly seasoned ground beef at my brother-in-law's abuela's house! A huge group of people, piles and piles of good food I've never had before...and then, the stuffing. Holy mother of pearl was it good!
Even if I hadn't liked it, I'd have never told his gramma, she is a woman that you respect and love the second you meet her. dang, that was a good meal. Family, friends, great food. ((sigh))
Anyway, I'm always up for trying new food at holiday meals. I want the traditional stuff there, too, but throw me a curve ball and I'm all over it. Sharing traditions (and sharing time with family) are my favorite things about Thanksgiving.
What will be served at your table this Thanksgiving that I should try?
Blake Shelton Haters - Knock It off!
I know some people will say, “You don’t even like country, what do you care?” I care because I can’t believe how mean people are being about the way a guy looks! Knock it off, Dough-Heads!