A New Sign At The Manor
What is old is new again in a Rochester neighborhood.
Like many of his neighbors in Country Club Manor, Patrick Bartholomew got tired of looking at the sign that had marked the official entrance into the neighborhood for more than 60 years.
The wood was rotting and the paint was fading so the Country Club Manor Neighborhood group began working on a plan to either save or replace the sign. The group applied for a $1,000 grant and was considering a new and different sign.
That’s when Bartholomew stepped up and offered to build a new one - an exact replica of the original.
new Country Club Manor sign
With the help of others, the sign was built and last Saturday (Sept 28), it was erected at the south entrance to CCM. Bartholomew says materials were around $500 and donations helped cover the costs.
So what happened to the original sign? Bartholomew didn’t want it so he offered it to the highest bidder and it sold for $60.
Others involved in the project were:
Greg and Beth Hostetter
Scott Baxter
Joel Lovejoy was the artist behind the lettering
Payne Kramer donated labor and bobcat time
Mike Ferguson and Jesse Sheehan donated labor.
The following families helped paint the lettering:
Meagan Odegaard
Andrea Tieskotter
Colleen Dickman
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