CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Person Steals Trump Signs in Rochester

If you've got any political signs in your yard, heads up, people are now taking them in broad daylight. Thanks to a Ring camera, a theft in Rochester today was all caught on camera.
This afternoon, Rob Hoth shared on the Spotted in Rochester Facebook site and his personal page a video and an alert to others:
This just happened now at 12:08. Person captured stealing my Trump sign. Looks like a young girl, long dark hair in a ponytail, ~5’3”, driving a white compact car, probably lives west of my location in Wedgewood Hills neighborhood. - Rob Hoth
I reached out to Rob and got his permission to share the video and he mentioned that he is pretty confident the vehicle that left the area after the sign was taken from his yard was a 2016 Ford Focus SE 4D Sedan White.
I'm hearing through the internet grapevine that sign stealing has been happening quite a bit during this election. I know we have some polarizing viewpoints going on in our world but I don't get why you would steal a sign from another person. I've seen videos from other towns but seriously, this is Rochester. I know we aren't all sunshine and roses but people stealing signs out of the front yards...we are better than that as a community. Respect one another and the opinions of others. Stealing from one another because you disagree is not going to solve any problems.
Honestly, in our world today where everyone has a camera and we literally have them on our doors looking out at our front yards...we can see you. Literally...right there...on the video.
Have you ever had anything stolen from you? I'd love to hear your story. Please, share it with me and message me on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio. The one time I had something somewhat big stolen from me was when I lived at Rochester Village. I had over 500 CD's in my car in a binder...back when CD's were a thing. Someone broke in my car and took them all, including some of the only audio clips I had of my sister who passed away when she was 12, just a few years earlier.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
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