Did I Bring Lazy Potluck Food to a Rochester Potluck Brunch?
Went to a potluck brunch on Sunday and got called out for bringing Lazy Potluck Food. Did I? I say I did not, but still, there I was, defending my amazing...well, I'm getting ahead of the story.
Sunday was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the air was crisp, and brunch was on the deck! Oh, and the dogs were excited to see me. That's Juno and Todd, greeting me as I came up the stairs.
It was less me and more what I was carrying that excited them. A box of wonderful aroma'd donuts from Daube's.
We're laying out the food, the coffee, the egg bake, the bacon, the toast, and I set out the donuts on a plate, and almost instantly one of my friends calls me out for bringing "lazy potluck food."
ME: What?
HER: That's lazy potluck food.
ME: ...
HER: You're supposed to make food for a potluck, not go out and buy it.
ME: Daube's makes better donuts than I do.
HER: Lazy. Right hon?
HER HUSBAND: Right on, baby. James, you're obviously a bum. ((laughs)
So I did a poll of everyone there. Yep, I'm a lazy potluck-food-guy. I had no idea.
Not sure I agree with 'em, but it got me thinking. Maybe I shouldn't bring Daube's donuts next time. Instead, I'll keep 'em for myself. (LOL)
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.