This Enormous Pretzel in Byron May Be the Biggest You’ve Ever Seen
Meeting some friends for dinner in Byron, at the Tilted Tavern, they said, "You gotta try this soft pretzel!"
- Me: Is it good?
- Him: Beyond good.
- Her: And huge.
- Him: Oh yeah, it's gigantic...bigger than your FACE!
So we ordered the pretzel...and THEY WERE OUT!
Two weeks later, we're back, they have the pretzel, and yeah, they were right. It is good...and it is huge. As you can see, dude wasn't lying. It IS as big as my face.
That's as big as a medium pizza...and soft and warm. I didn't like the cheese sauce, a kinda of queso with a LOT of jalapenos. I don't like the jalapenos. Cheddar cheese woulda been good, mildly spicy, stone ground mustard woulda nailed it. Check out the pics...and artsy pictures of beer.
There are other pretzel places, too...I wrote a whole blog about it last year. Read it HERE. My favorite then was the Thirsty Belgian, they have incredible warm pretzel sticks.
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