Foul Beaked Parrots Removed From A U.K. Wildlilfe Park
Don't underestimate an animals ability to learn and adapt to its situation.
Five African Gray Parrots were recently placed into a quarantine of their own. Not because of an illness or anything, it was because of their foul beaks! The parrots were introduced to visitors of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park in the United Kingdom back in August, and it wasn't long after that the five foul-mouthed offenders were sent into an exile.

The parrots named, Billy, Elsie, Eric, Jade and Tyson are pretty smart birds. Once in their habitat they would shout out curse words and the phrase 'F- off' as visitors looked on. Well the visitors of the park thought it was funny, as anyone would, and began laughing at the birds' foul language. After a while the birds started equating saying the words as a positive thing after getting an emotional laugh out of the guests. The quartet soon started mimicking the laughter of the guests along with the foul language. Pretty soon the birds began cursing and laughing at themselves quite often as if they were carrying on their own conversation.
Lincolnshire Wildlife Park CEO Steve Nichols says,
Most parrots clam up outside, but for some reason these five relish it. We are quite used to parrots swearing but we've never had five at the same time."
Now that the birds are separated, Nichols hopes they'll unlearn some of their bad behavior and when it is time to reintroduce them to park visitors they'll be placed in separate parts of the park and hopes that "if they do swear, it is not as bad as three or four of them blasting all at once."
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