Gentle Wings
Dana Duffney, a resident in Rochester, MN, has been a volunteer for several years and has captured the precious faces, fingers and toes of little ones that passed away before they get to go home with their family.
"a graceful stranger showed up to our hospital room with a kind smile and stated she was there to capture our angel and our family. It was a true miracle and a gesture we will forever be thankful for." - www.gentlewings.org
Dana has a passion to continue to provide more for families and recently founded a nonprofit called "Gentle Wings". This organization provides free photo shoots to families with children that are terminally ill or that were born too soon. The photos are then provided to the families as a gift to help them remember and honor their child.
Dana said, "Our mission is to offer parents and families the gift of remembrance photography. We believe these images serve as an important step in the healing process by honoring their childs' journey and legacy. It is a privilege to capture infants and children, to help families create a legacy."
I asked Dana if there was one photo or moment that has stood out for her over the years that she has taken for families. She let me know that each photo shoot has touched her spirit differently and reminds her how precious life truly is.
Gentle Wings provides this as a free service to families, however, some families have donated back to Gentle Wings as a way to honor their child. Gentle Wings is a 501(c)3 and additional ways to volunteer and give back to this nonprofit are available on their website.
Learn more about Gentle Wings and contact Dana at the links below:
- Facebook page
- Website
- The stories of those who have passed but their pictures are being cherished today
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