How to Easily Find Girl Scout Cookies in Southeast Minnesota
It's here! Girl Scout cookie season! But where can we get these delicious annual cookies? The Girl Scouts actually have a Girl Scout Cookie Locator. It's very handy and easy to use. All you need to do is type in your zip code and it'll tell you where there will be Girl Scout cookies being sold and when they'll be there.
I remember growing up we either got Girl Scout cookies from the neighborhood Girl Scout going door-to-door (or me when I was the Girl Scout in the neighborhood!) or we would happen upon a stand selling cookie at the grocery store. But you don't have to go on a wild goose chase to find your cookies now that there's the Cookie Locator!
If you want to find Girl Scout cookies in your neck of the woods, just go to the Girl Scout Cookie Locator website (HERE) and a whole list will pop up! It'll tell you what store they'll be at, the address of the store, and what day and time they'll be there. HOT TIP: In my experience with the Cookie Locator, it automatically sorts by distance from the zip code you typed in. Switch that to sort by date instead so you know if you can grab those delicious cookies today and where.
I have yet to buy my cookies for this year but I definitely need to get some Thin Mints, Samoas (I know they're not called that anymore, but they'll always be Samoas to me!), and Tagalongs.
Let's stick to this food theme now that I'm already hungry. If you keep scrolling, you can check out 10 foods that are totally and absolutely Minnesota. YUM!
YUM: 10 Foods That Are Totally and Absolutely Minnesota
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