Huge Clean-up Project Happening Now in Southeast Minnesota
What irritates you about Rochester, Minnesota? Go ahead...think about it...and then chat your answer to me on the Y-105FM app.

While you think about that answer, I'll share mine.
What irritates me about Rochester, Minnesota is when I see someone throw their garbage out the window of a car. It doesn't happen a lot, but when I see it, I wonder "what is so hard about putting your garbage in a trash can?".
Those were my thoughts about two weeks ago when I was driving to Century High School. I am there a lot and I see a lot of adults and a whole lot of teenagers driving. Some are great drivers. Some are not. And unfortunately, a few have people in the car as passengers that love to throw their garbage out of a sunroof. Yes, I saw you...multiple times, the last few weeks.
Help Make Rochester, Minnesota A Litter Bit Better
If you look in the ditches, on the edge of parking lots, in the flower beds, and near culverts, you will see piles of garbage. Near stoplights, you see piles of cigarette butts too. So many cigarette butts, it's disgusting.
Mother Nature doesn't have a crew to pick up the garbage that the humans in this world are just haphazardly throwing on the ground. But Rochester does have a great way to help - A Litter Bit Better.
Registration is open for Litter Bit Better, April 22-30, 2023. Trash bags can be picked up the week prior at the Government Center and the Development Services & Infrastructure Center, at 4001 West River Pkwy NW. Pick a group, pick a date, pick a location, and pick up that litter!
Sign Up Today To Help Make Rochester A Litter Bit Better
Just a few days ago, some kids made a difference in the exact spot where I saw individuals throwing trash out of car windows. Rochester Century High School posted a photo on their Facebook page of kids helping make Rochester A Litter Bit Better.
Thanks to those individuals, that area is now checked off but there are quite a few more spots in Rochester that need help.
You can make a difference during Litter Bit Better! Will you join in the effort? You can help by volunteering to pick up Rochester. This would be a great service project for a group that regularly gathers such as households, families, individuals, and workplaces. - rneighbors.org
Trash bags are provided, all you have to do is pick the area that isn't claimed on the A Litter Bit Better website, and then go clean it up. You can find the sites that are available and learn more about registration at rneighbors.org.
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