UPDATE: Mall of America in Minnesota Kicked Man Out For Wearing Jesus Shirt (VIDEO)
Guy Stopped at Mall of America in Minnesota and Told To Remove His Shirt
If you haven't heard, a guy was stopped at the Mall of America because of a shirt that he was wearing. Supposedly, people complained. Because they complained, the Bloomington Police came to tell him that he had to either remove his shirt or leave the mall.
"If you want to shop here you need to take that shirt off...
"It is religious soliciting...There is no soliciting allowed on mall property which is private property."
If you missed the video that is going viral on the New York Post and Twitter, you can watch it below.
UPDATE: Mall of America confirms man in the Jesus shirt was not kicked out
According to KARE 11, the Mall of America stated that the man in the viral video that was issued a temporary trespass notice previously. He was allowed to stay in the mall and was not required to change his shirt.
"The guest referenced in the video was approached by Mall of America security on January 7, 2023. One week prior, he was issued a 24-hour trespass for soliciting guests. After a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall." - MOA
Their story included situations at the mall that are banned including "loitering, engaging in soliciting, blocking storefronts, hallways, skyways, fire exits or escalators, or walking in groups in such a way as to inconvenience others," along with "picketing, demonstrating, soliciting, protesting or petitioning."
ICYMI - Check Out The Responses About This Situation at the Mall of America on Twitter
The awesome world of Twitter went nuts about the way this guy was treated too.

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