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We ask for thoughts and prayers for Gal during his surgery and recovery. We also ask that, if you’re able, you would consider helping Gal financially.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for Med City FC* goalkeeper, Gal Elyashiv, after being badly injured in a collision with a Sioux Falls Thunder FC attacker on June 9th, 2021. Elyashiv does not have health insurance and costs are expected to be in the tens of thousands.

According to General Manager at Med City FC, Frank Spaeth,

During our soccer match against Sioux Falls Thunder FC on June 9 in South Dakota, Med City FC goalkeeper Gal Elyashiv was badly injured in a collision with a Thunder attacker. As a result of the collision,

Gal suffered a concussion, a split lip and several fractures to his cheek and orbital bones. Gal has already had surgery on his lip and will undergo surgery to fix his cheek and orbital bone next.

He has also had multiple trips to the emergency department for pain management and an overnight hospital stay, as well.

In three days the GoFundMe page raised over $26,000 to help with medical bills, but since then, an overnight stay at the hospital added up to $17,000 to the bill, so they've upped the GoFundMeGoal.

*Med City FC is a top-level adult minor league soccer team based out of Rochester, Minnesota. The team is a member of the National Premier Soccer League (NPSL), playing in the North Conference of the Midwest Region. 


To view the GoFundMe page for Med City FC goalkeeper, Gal Elyashiv just click here.

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.

When You Are Having a Bad Day, Just Read These

Life isn't always perfect and we all are going to have bad days. On those days when you could use some cheering up, just look through these quotes that were found on some Hall's cough drops. They helped bring a smile to my face when I needed one and I'm sure there is one in the list that will do the same for you.

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