I was nervous about having a panic attack on Saturday while standing out on frozen Clear Lake as hundreds of kites were sailing over me.  I've got a little bit BIG fear and it involves those beautiful kites in the sky.  I was ready to overcome my fear, because it is just silly and it was time to get over it.  But, I had an A-ha moment while walking around on the frozen lake...two of them, actually.

My road trip to Clear Lake, Iowa wasn't too far away and the day was gorgeous and sunny.  I went there because they have an annual event called "Color of the Wind Kite Festival".  Basically, it is a bunch of color that fills up the sky and hundreds of people walk on a frozen lake to watch kites that are up in the air.  Most people think this is fun.  I was basically terrified of the thought.  (Click here to see the link to the video that I did before I attempted this.)

I have no idea why my fear of kites is there but I knew that it was time that I didn't let the

Jessica Williams - TSM Rochester
Jessica Williams - TSM Rochester

fear continue to control me.  I was prepared though to have a full on panic attack while on the lake...because it could happen.  I know me and how I have reacted before when a single kite is in the sky.  Throw in a hundredish kites and I just didn't know how this day would go.  I let the people that were with me know that they may just have to carry me off the lake or at least hold my hand.  #truestory

We parked our car on some side street and I could immediately see a kite poking up from the trees, even as we were a few blocks away.  That feeling of your heart beating faster as you get nervous...that was me as we kept walking closer.

A-ha Moment #1 - My fear isn't actually the kite, it has something to do with looking at the start of the string to where the kite is up in the sky.  I did have a few moments where I had to look away from that but THAT is the actual fear, not the beautiful kites.  I was able to just enjoy the vibrant colors - and they were amazing!  The best kite and inflatable had to be the big orange octopus thing that was up in the sky.  I even got some amazing photos and videos that you can check out on my Facebook page here: Photos of Kitefest

A-ha Moment #2 - Minnesota could totally copy this event!  We've got enough lakes to make it happen.  This would be so amazing on Lake Pepin or even at Foster Arend in Rochester.  Maybe this could even be a new Winterfest event.

Thank you, Clear Lake, for hosting this fun event!  I'll be back...and I am pretty sure I'll be bringing more friends next time.

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