My kids would tell you that they are always doing chores.  Trust me...they aren't.  One look at our front door will show that they haven't put their shoes away in about a million years.  When the kids want, to see the movie 'Avengers Endgame'...well, it is time to use these moments as a mopportunity.

Yep.  Mopportunity.  It is a new word.  I just created it and it basically stands for any opportunity a mom has to get a few extra things done by her kids.

My kids are 11, 14, and 17 and all great but I can't say that they always jump at the chance to take the garbage out, fold their clothes, or clean up the toothpaste in the sink after they spit it in there.  Learning to be responsible is a big thing in our house...because at some point, my babies are going to be off on their own and they will need to know how to do things on their own.  Plus, their future roommates, husbands and wives will also appreciate these bonus life skills.

This past week, we were pretty busy as a family so some of the normal, everyday tasks just weren't getting done.  The dishes in the sink were piling up.  The laundry turned into 3 loads to wash and fold into 10.  There was an actual pile sitting in front of the already full laundry bins.  Our dog is shedding too so we basically have little fur balls collecting in various places and vacuuming was a must.

When the kids said that they wanted to watch the brand new Avengers movie, I was fine with it BUT I knew this was a Mopportunity.

Avengers Endgame Mopportunity Plan:

  • Buy tickets for the kids early.  (These were selling fast so my middle kid set this up with a bunch of his friends so the date/time was all planned out.)
  •  Morning of the movie, write out a list of chores that must be done before it was time to leave.  Here are a few examples of what I wrote out this past Saturday:
    • Dishwasher - unload and load
    • Wash extra dishes on the counter
    • Wipe off the counters
    • Fold clothes and put away in closet and drawers
    • Wash bathroom sinks
    • Vacuum the main floor (don't forget to pull out the chairs at the table and vacuum under there!)
  • Enjoy the movie!

We all made it to the movie this past Saturday and to be completely honest, I didn't really understand most of it, but I do know this:  I came home to a house that was cleaner and I didn't have to do all of this on my own.  Plus, my kids learned a bit about responsibility.  Win - Win!

This could work for so many things!  Feel free to copy and share this mopportunity with other moms you know!

Do you have any other Mom Tips?  I'd love to hear it!  Send me a message on my Facebook page (click here) or DM me on Instagram.

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