Popular Halloween House in Rochester Collected Over $4,400 for Charity
Halloween is officially here but for one Rochester, Minnesota family, the fun started weeks ago! Quite a few people have already visited the house in NW Rochester with over 130+ inflatables. There is one thing about this house that is different than the others though...it gives back. And this year, thanks to everyone that has already stopped over to check out the display, it is giving over $4,400 to help people in our community who are facing food insecurity.
House With Over 130+ Inflatables Has Already Collected Over $4,400 for a Local Nonprofit
I think this is absolutely amazing! Halloween night, when everyone in our area goes out trick-or-treating, hasn't even happened yet but one Halloween display has already been extremely busy with visitors. In fact, the owners of the house in NW Rochester that spend countless hours putting up their display of over 130+ inflatables, also raise money for Channel One Regional Food Bank. I have to applaud not only the owners but also every single person that has stopped by to donate because even before Halloween night, over $4,400 has been raised to help those experiencing food insecurity. A-Maz-Ing!
Tonight was very much a surprise, we kind of figured a more calm night (Sunday night), but we ended up being almost as busy as Saturday night.
No additional inflatables added today, not for lack of trying, this large one will have to wait till next year. We did, however, bring out a couple of more animatronics.
Now the impressive numbers…$939.25 was donated tonight for Channel One. With that amount we have exceeded last years total and we still have Halloween night. Our new record total for Channel One now stands at $4,449.69.
Check Out The Boyer Halloween Display in Rochester, Minnesota That Already Has Over 130 Inflatables Set Up!
The house is planning on having the display up from 4pm until 10 pm on Halloween.
In case you aren't sure where the Boyer Halloween house is located, just drive to 51st Street NW by Holy Spirit and you will find it. Seriously, you can't miss it.
Check Out The Rochester House With Over 100 Inflatables Up for Halloween!
Do you know another house that I should visit on Halloween?
Send me a message on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio or DM me on Instagram here.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
Everything You Need to Know about Halloween and Trick-or-Treating in Rochester
We put a huge Halloween guide together to help answer every single question you might have about the big trick-or-treating night. Below are a few of the stories you'll find in that guide:
- 20+ Trunk-or-Treat Events in the Rochester Area
- Rochester house goes all out with 130+ inflatables
- We Now Know How Old You Can Be to Trick-or-Treat in Minnesota
- List of the Best Neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treating in Rochester
- Full Halloween Guide