Rochester Reporter Appeared On ‘The Tonight Show Featuring Jimmy Fallon’

How many people in Rochester can say that they have appeared on The Tonight Show featuring Jimmy Fallon? I honestly don't know that answer but I'm going to say that the number is small...very, very small. But, after a bit that aired last week, we can officially say that the number is one.
George Mallet, a reporter for KIMT News 3, posted on his Facebook page last Friday a clip of him on The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon is reciting a 2020 version of the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and included our very own Rochester reporter in his story.
If you missed The Tonight Show, don't worry, it is all on YouTube and if you go directly to 6:21 to start the segment.
If you are scratching your head right now saying, "I know I've seen George Mallet in another place", well, you are correct! George is the person that interviewed me when I had blue hair.
If you missed my whole "blue hair" phase, first...it is 2020 so anything goes. Honestly though, I lost a bet and decided to turn that into something good for those who are on the frontlines. You can see the full story below but I just encouraged people to hold up signs, snap a photo, and I took all those pictures and created a huge collage of "thanks" for those on the frontlines.
I sent out thousands of e-mails, including to our local media, and am so thankful to those who snapped a picture and sent it back and to George Mallet for responding to that message. It was all about community and showing our support to those on the frontlines and he stepped up and did an amazing job sharing what I was trying to do for our essential workers.
Thank you, George, for all that you do, and huge congrats on getting on Fallon. That was fun to watch. 😃
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
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