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Rumor has it something is up with Whistle Binkies. Which WB's? That depends on who you talk to, but mostly the rumor is about WB on the Lake. Here's how I got wind of it.


THE RUMOR: Whistle Binkies is selling...most likely Whistle Binkies On the Lake.

THE TRUTH: No, Whistle Binkies is NOT being sold. Not Whistle Binkies or Whistle Binkies On the Lake.


The latest Rochester City Council meeting had this on the agenda...

COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: Adopting a Resolution approving the ownership change for the full intoxicating on-sale / restaurant and special Sunday liquor licenses for Whistle Binkies on the Lake, Inc. DBA Whistle Binkies on the Lake operating at 247 Woodlake Dr SE 4th St, Rochester, MN 55904.

COUNCIL PRIORITIES: Enhancing Quality of Life

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS: In approving the issuance of licenses, the Council is participating as prescribed by City ordinances in the regulatory framework in place to ensure public safety, health and well-being through oversight of the activity by contractors and designated businesses within the city, as well as oversight of licenses
issued relating to alcohol, gambling, and animals.

Sometimes it's hard to figure out how a rumor gets started. Not this time. It's all in the first sentence.

Adopting a Resolution approving the ownership change for the full intoxicating on-sale / restaurant and special Sunday liquor licenses for Whistle Binkies on the Lake...


The story behind the action item is interesting. Getting in touch with Whistle Binkies, I found out that due to a clerical error, Randy Lehman, majority owner of WBOtL, was the only name on the liquor license. Randy has three minority share partners, and they needed to be added to the license (following background checks, etc).

That's it. An amendment to the liquor license turned into a full blown rumor and likely some sadness among WB fans and supporters. Fear not, everything at both Whistle Binkies is just fine.

6. Whistle Binkies Olde World Pub 3120 Wellner Dr NE


Speaking of Whistle Binkies...talking to Connie Lehman, Randy's wife, we were reminiscing about National Alliance on Mental Illness - Southeast Minnesota fundraisers from the days before Covid. WB's has always been super good to NAMI-SEMN. Some pictures from one of those fundraisers where tens of thousands of dollars was raised to help stop suicide...

NAMI-SEMN Fundraiser To Fight Suicide

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM

ps - My sister Clare, with the new kidney, is doing great, thanks for asking!

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