Send us your snow pics! (and a fort building tip)
It is a beautiful winter wonderland and the latest snowfall left the perfect snow for snow creations- igloos, snowmen, caterpillars, tunnels or forts! We want to showcase your snow pictures, just like the picture Amy Brase sent to us of her kids' snowmen in Oronoco, MN!
Did you (or your kids) make something pretty fun with the snow today? Send us some pictures and we will share those later on this week on our website. Here is where you can send the pics:
- Y105FM's Facebook page or Jessica's Facebook page- either tag us in a picture or send us the photo in our messages
Need a tip for making the best fort EVER!? Take a few buckets of water (cold) and pour over your fort. This will create an ice layer which will strengthen and help your fort stay up longer.
Check out these other fun activities that you can do on these winter days:
- Winter Fun For Kids - ideas for snowdays, including making snow ice cream!
- How to Make Ice Marbles
- Make candy with the snow: Maple Syrup Candy (check out the video below)
Happy Shoveling!
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