
'Minnesota Nice' Shows Up On A Mound For Blind Rochester Man
'Minnesota Nice' Shows Up On A Mound For Blind Rochester Man
'Minnesota Nice' Shows Up On A Mound For Blind Rochester Man
"When you bat...growing up what does every dad say? 'Keep your eye on the ball.' And I can't do that. But when you're pitching, it is important to be lined up correctly and a lot of people do that visually. From my understanding and my hour and a half of experience last night, I think this is very doable without vision and I had that confirmed for me last night."
10 Cool Guinness World Records Set in MN or By Minnesotans
10 Cool Guinness World Records Set in MN or By Minnesotans
10 Cool Guinness World Records Set in MN or By Minnesotans
From the world's Largest Gathering of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the most people spinning a basketball simultaneously to the most words spelled backwards in one minute, these and more are world records every Minnesotan can be proud of!

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