Very Rare and Unusual Two-Headed Cow Born in Minnesota (VIDEO)
You don't see this every day! Something very unusual happened on April 8th, 2023 just outside the small town of Hllman in Minnesota.
Very Rare and Unusual Two-Headed Cow Born in Northern Minnesota (VIDEO)
I grew up in Iowa and didn't live on a farm, but there was a whole lot of corn, cows, sheep, and pigs nearby. I don't remember ever hearing anyone talk about a two-headed animal being born though. Well, that unusual and rare animal was just spotted in Minnesota in a town called Hillman.
"Ok, here's a report for ya. Had this one last night. Never saw anything like it before. It's got two noses, 4 eyes." - Matthew Hoheisel on Facebook
Most of the world hasn't had a chance to see a two-headed cow but thanks to Matthew Hoheisel, you can see one in the live video they posted on Facebook.
According to The Daily Mirror, the family found the calf the morning it was born. Unfortunately, as with most two-headed cows, they don't normally live long past birth. Sadly, this was the case for this newborn calf also as it passed shortly after it was born. One person did see it alive though and that is 13-year-old Weston, Matthew Hoheisel's son.
What's the Most Unusual Thing That You've Seen?
Have you ever had a chance to see anything unusual in your lifetime? I remember seeing weird items in a few of my science classes in high school and college. Lots of items in glass jars and a few that I had to look away from because they were just gross. What about you? What weird or unusual things have you seen? Let me know by sending me a chat message or an audio message (like a voicemail) on our free app and be part of my show on Y-105FM! You can get the app for free here.

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