VIDEO: Feel the Ground Shake? That’s Just Moose in Kasson, Stopping Traffic as Usj.
If you felt the ground shake around 10:30 Wednesday night, don't worry, it wasn't an earthquake. It wasn't a wooly mammoth freshly unfrozen running and leaping around South Eastern Minnesota. It was just a dog as big as a house frolicking and stopping traffic in Kasson, Minnesota.
Click play to see Moose the Great Dane in what will soon be a viral video.
I reached out to the man trying to coral Moose, Aaron Galloway, to get the inside scoop. Mr. Galloway, take it away...
"I went out to check the mail just after 9 pm and Moose snuck out behind me (never underestimate the sneakiness of a giant dog). Normally he would just follow me right back inside but this time he got distracted.
It was a classic deer-in-headlights moment at first. And then, Moose being the big friendly giant that he is, decided he wanted to play with the cars.
Catching a 1-year-old, 150-pound Great Dane that isn’t interested in being caught is not an easy thing to do.
Trying to stop a running Dane is like stepping in front of a freight train, so I’m pretty proud of the way I was able to lasso him with one arm and get him out of the road.
I would also like to say thank you to the people in the cars for paying attention and waiting patiently as I wrangled my house horse out of the street. You are good humans and neighbors."

Just how big is Moose?
Can Moose do any tricks?
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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