VIDEO: Minnesotan Creates Stunning Ice Crystals w/Cookie Cutter and Soap
This is the coolest, quietest, most transfixing winter thing I've seen in a long time...and it turns out, super easy to do! According to ABC News, this happened in Minnesota.
How Do You Do This Thing?
It's literally three steps.
- Go outside.
- Dip cookie cutter in bubble stuff
- Hold it up so you can watch it freeze.
I've done this by blowing bubbles in the super sub-zero temps, and they do kind of the same thing with neat patterns but super-fast, then they collapse into themselves. It's really pretty, but this is so much cooler.
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If you don't have bubble stuff handy, here's how to make it.
- To six cups of water add 1 cup of dish soap and stir SLOWLY until it's mixed nicely. You want to avoid making bubbles and lather while you stir.
- Add a 1/4 cup corn syrup and stir some more.
- That's it, you're ready to go. However, if you make it the night before and cover it, you'll get much better bubble action.
- NOTE: One recipe reminds that if you used an ULTRA dish soap, double the corn syrup.
It's we need rules for winter?
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