WHAT A MESS! Big Rigs Stuck In Mud At Canceled MN Luke Bryan Farm Tour (VIDEO)
I was mentally prepared to be completely drenched on Saturday. If you didn't hear, Luke Bryan was supposed to bring his Farm Tour once again to Eyota, Minnesota, which is just a few miles away from Rochester. I was there last year and LOVED every minute of it. With the chance of rain though this year, I started planning and gathering all of my rain gear and even made a checklist of items for everyone else so they had what they needed for this outdoor concert.
READ MORE: 10 Things You Need for a Great Time at the Luke Bryan Farm Tour
And then...Mother Nature decided to finally show up this summer with rain. Ok, a lot of rain and some lightning.
I was still all in. I decided this was OUR Burning Man. Find a few hay bales, set it up as a snowman and light it on fire in the middle of the concert as everyone is covered in mud. It could have worked.
Around noon, I saw a note pop up from my boss that made my heart hurt and visions of a MN Burning Man disappear. "Farm Tour canceled. Working on the story now for our websites."
Keeping everyone safe should always be the #1 priority but I was so disappointed. A few people were already on site though and Branden Bodendorfer showed the reality of the muddy mess in a drone video. FYI, this was BEFORE the late afternoon/evening rain on Saturday.
Not only was it a muddy mess, but as the semi's were trying to leave the farm, they needed a little assistance at times from what farms know best...tractors.
And now that I see semi's being pulled and pushed by tractors and different heavy-duty machinery, I am starting to have doubts that my little Subaru Forester would have had any chance of escaping that field without some extra help.
Country music fans in Eyota, MN, were disappointed to learn on Saturday afternoon that Luke Bryan's Farm Tour concert had been cancelled due to the potential for severe weather. The concert was scheduled to take place at Gar-Lin Dairy Farm, but the National Weather Service had issued a tornado watch for the area. - Branden Bodendorfer
If The Luke Bryan Farm Tour Would Have Happened, It Would Have Looked Like This in Minnesota
20,000 people joined me last year for an amazing night with Luke Bryan at the same farm he was supposed to perform at this year. You probably didn't see me, because I had a stocking hat, coat, and blanket on me at times, but I LOVED the whole experience. If it actually did happen this year, it would have been a similar experience, just on a different field at the same farm. Here's the recap, along with a bunch of photos people sent me capturing one of the biggest concerts ever in Southeast Minnesota.

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