What Is It? The Answer
On Facebook we played, "What Is it?" And here's the answer!
If you can't wait for the names of the winners and the answer, scroll on down, baby! First, tho, here are some of the guesses...
- Amy M. Patten Sliced summer sausage?
- Tambi Eversman Looks like a Horse Treat lol
- Jodi Anderson Melius Energy bites from the bulk department!
- Keisha Diephuis Looks like it could a tablet of hay or something along those lines. That would be weird but that's what my mind first went to.
- Karen Kabanuck Faiman Also reminds me of those dirt pellets you get that you add water to and voila, dirt
but my favorite guess was...
Now...the correct answer?
Or, more specifically, coffee TABS.
Instead of using one tablespoon per cup, you just grab as many pellets as cups of water you're using. Or, if you're me...the number of cups of water you're using, but about 4 more just for good measure. Wouldn't want to be caught with weak coffee.
So, congratulations to Wendy Ziebell Kauffmann, Mary Gherbaz Hemenway, and Kristin Kay! All y'all were randomly selected from all the correct answers, so Y-105FM T-Shirts are yours! Just drop by the studio (122 4th Street SW) and pick 'em up!
How 'bout the taste? I did a taste test, right?
Of course I did...and my hopes weren't very high. As a coffee snob, there was a really good chance it wouldn't get a good rating.