What’s Minnesota’s Favorite Slang?
When I saw the Buzzfeed article about The Best Slang in Each State, I didn't want to click, but it turns out, they were right! The #1 slang term they found for Minnesota is something I hear all the time. And not just for 80-year-olds at the grocery store talking about prices. I hear it from everyone.
According to Buzzfeed, Minnesota's number one slang is, "Uhfer!:
"'Ohfer' is literally 'oh for,' as in 'Oh, for heavens sakes.' We use it all the time with almost anything, especially as a way to emphasize what we're trying to say: 'Ohfer silly,' 'Ohfer stupid,' 'Ohfer nice,' 'Ohfer sure.'" —saramariem2
"Ope!" would have been good, too. If you're new to Minnesota, it's short of "oops". Why shorten a word with so few letters? Because sometimes it gets cold, ya know, and you need to get the words out quick. Ohfer great corn sake, how do y'not know that, then?
In Iowa it's padiddle. It's what you say when you see a car with only one headlight.I played that game in Michigan, too, but apparently, in Iowa, you hit the ceiling of your car when you say it.
Here's the scoop. A Chair Affair is this Saturday. And it's a blast. Then there's the After Party, which is a Brazilian Carnival Theme. It'll be huge! Get all the info on both events by clicking the HERE. As a bonus, click HERE and you'll also get to see the photo prank James Rabe pulled on so many people at A Chair Affair!