What’s Yours That Your Lover Is Always Taking?
Bahahaaaaa! This is so great I had to change the picture.
60th Annual GRAMMY Awards - Red Carpet
I had the reverse problem in Idaho! I liked to have a charger in the studio, next to my computer. It would never last more than two weeks and boom. Gone. Turned out a guy on a different station in the group would come in, take it to his studio, use it, then take it home! I told him to bring them back and the next day I had like 15 chargers on my chair!
Listen to James Rabe in the mornings from 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM.
A girlfriend used to take my shirts. Not t-shirts, dress shirts, and any denim shirts (hey, cut me some slack...it was the 90's). The denim she'd shrink so it'd fit her, which means I'd never get those back.
How 'bout you? What is yours that your friends or sweetie-pie takes over and over?
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