You Could Be a Professor of…LEGO
How would you like to make over $100,000 a year?!
Are you an individual with an "outstanding research record of international stature and vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm"?
If you are, the University of Cambridge in England is looking for you to fill their chair as "Professor of Lego". Today is the deadline to apply for this position. The actual title is Lego Professorship of Play in Education, Development and Learning. From a generous grant from the Lego foundation - which sounds like it would be the tall skyscraper right next door to Wayne Enterprises - the gig involves studying Legos and using them as play tools in education, as well as analyzing the vitally important role Legos have in kid's lives throughout the known universe. I may have embellished that last part a little.
If this seems like a "click fit" for you, apply today before the deadline!
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