Chalk Drawing Outside a Rochester Hospital Brings Positivity to Facebook Again
Facebook is a tough place to be lately. I am always on the search for the positive though, especially in that social media world, because positivity fuels me. In my search for positive news, I came across a memory that was just perfect for me today and filled me all up with happiness.
Back in 2013, Phil came to a sidewalk in Rochester and wrote in huge, big letters,
"Thank you Mayo for saving my mom! - Phil".
I don't know Phil. I have no idea who Phil's mom is or what battle she had to fight while Mayo Clinic helped her but I saved that photo that Mayo posted on their Facebook page and am so thankful that it popped up today. We are in the middle of a pandemic but I've also got someone who is fighting in a hospital bed right now too, just like Phil did.
My brother got the news on Monday that his fight against leukemia has started again. He's hanging out at a hospital in Des Moines, Ia, and luckily I had a chance to see him before visitor restrictions got even tighter there due to Covid-19. Before those changes took place, I stood in line to wait to get in, had my temperature checked, and made my way to his room with my mask on.
Huge respect to the nurses, techs, hospitality, Doctors, and all who work at the hospitals for the patients. I saw the struggle as their masks hurt their ears and many had crafted headbands with buttons sewn on to attach their masks. I noticed and heard the nurses talk about how hard it is to put gloves on as hand sanitizer was recently put on too. One tech shared "it is ok, but when you are helping take care of a baby and feeding them and changing them and have to do this multiple times just to feed and change them, your hands take a toll."
Next time I go to Des Moines, IA, I'm bringing my chalk to spread more happiness! 😁
Phil, thank you for writing that happy message in chalk and if you see this, I hope you reach out to me on my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show
...and I'm so thankful for the artist who is going around to different hospitals and creating masterpieces on the sidewalks for the frontline workers. Kathleen was in Rochester and all over the midwest, including Blank Children's Hospital, where my brother is at right now. Check out some of the pictures below and places she has been.
PHOTOS: Murals Created by Award-Winning Chalk Artist Kathleen Roling
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