Dear US Bank Stadium – You Owe Rochester. Here’s How to Pay Up.
US Bank Stadium owes us and it is time for them to pay up. Or turf up, if you prefer.
Remember how rainy October was? Seemed like it would never end. So rainy, Rochester Public Schools moved the Century Panthers / John Marshall Rockets football game from Century to Mayo...
The game has been moved from Century High School to Mayo High School. Why the change? The rain has softened up the Century field to such a degree it's in danger of being damaged if it gets played on tonight. (Y-105FM)
In 2015, when Mayo's field was redone (with some 2-year-old Vikings turf from the Metrodome), boosters paid for the two-year-old turf. But let's be honest. It should have been free, right?!
Now there's a chance to right that wrong, Sports Bosses of the MSP You're replacing practically new turf at the same time Century High School's field needs a redo. Howsabout you donate the turf?
Rochester's fine citizens spend a ton of money in Minneapolis and at the stadium. Plus, for every tax dollar we Rochester folks send to the state, we only get back something like 50 cents in services. That's cool, we understand some cities need more help than others. Oh, and a metric-butt-ton (rounded numbers) of us volunteered for the Super Bowl, which made a buh-guh-jillion dollars (not rounded figures).
So what do you say, USBS? Can you say no to these kids and their future?
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