Did Another Rochester Store Really Just Close Due to Employee Issues?
What's up with the Ragstock store in the Apache Mall in Rochester, Minnesota?
Not sure if you saw it or not but a post has been circulating on social media about another store in Rochester, Minnesota that has closed due to employee issues. The note left was basically a rant and I've got it below if you want to read it. That post alone about the Ragstock store has been shared a few hundred times on Facebook. As of right now, 313 to be exact. BUT, the photos that I got from another source today tell a different story.
If you missed it, here's the note that was left on the door of Ragstock at the Apache Mall in Rochester
I know quite a few people aren't on social media and may have missed the note that was supposedly posted on the door of Ragstock at the Apache Mall. To get you up to speed, here's what happened - a photo was shared on the Spotted in Rochester Facebook page that said the following:
Due to the fact that employees here at Ragstock are not appreciated and are over worked and underpaid this store will be closed until they can hire staff that is willing to work for them. As for me im done!!!! Ragstock Store Manager
I'm Scratching My Head On This One Because Today, Ragstock Was Open at the Apache Mall in Rochester, Minnesota
This morning I got a text message from a friend who knew I was working on this story. In the text were a few photos of the Ragstock store at the Apache Mall in Rochester that was very much open for business. No "closed" sign. The only sign that was spotted was a "now hiring" sign.
So, what the heck is going on with Ragstock at the mall?
There seems to be some misinformation somewhere. Or, maybe some staffing decisions were made in less than 24 hours in order to open this store back up?
If you've got more info and would love to chat, I'm happy to listen. You can find me on Facebook at my page - Jessica On The Radio.
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