Your Red Kettle Donation Doubles This Weekend!
There is a $25,000 Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign match on for today and tomorrow, so your donations double!
Why is it so important to get all of the $25,000 match this weekend?
Because there's so much to do. For example, the Salvation Army Warming Center. There are over four hundred people that are homeless in Rochester. Some couch surf, and hope each night to have a place to land. Others have no home at all.
The Warming Center. But there's just not enough funding or space for a 24/7 warming center. That's the kind of help your donation brings. As well as helping parents be better parents, dental care, and so much more.
So, this weekend, when you see a kettle, please, even if it's only 50 cents, drop something in the bucket.
If You Can't Donate Today, Please, Sign Up to Ring Bells!
You can take just a couple hours one day at one kettle, or get some friends together and take a whole day of ringing. With two you ringing per shift, the hours go fast, and you feel great after!
If you have a tight neighborhood association, post it on the neighborhood's Facebook page, then call around and fill up a day. After, one of the other homes could host a hot cocoa and movie celebration!
To sign up, click HERE (or the picture above). Then on the left side of the Salvation Army page, just tell 'em what date, what city, and where you'd like to ring.
Simple. In, out, no mussin' about.
What about music? Great! Christmas music on a boom-box, singing, a guitar, a harmonica...bring 'em and remember, little kids are super sweet and really get people to donate.
No pets tho, please.
The kids'll soon be off for a couple weeks, and games are a great way to have fun together.
Click HERE, or the picture, to see Five Great Games for Kids this Christmas!
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