Rochester Mom Tweets About Real Cramps During Vikings Game
I'm not a huge football fan. In fact, I really could care less about the entire game, uniforms, rules, fantasy just isn't my thing. My family is well aware of my feelings and I just nod along when they (or everyone at work) talks football. I did have some fun on Twitter during the Vikings/Packers game - my own little play-by-play of the game - including talking about what real cramps are like. ;)
Yes. Some of you just unfriended me on Facebook or your jaw is on the floor because I said that I don't like football. If you really knew me, you would have already known that I just can't understand this game. Trust me, I have tried.
Four years, I sat on bleachers as a band geek and watched every high school football game that we had. My boys have even played football but the only thing I really know from watching is when a touchdown happens. The rest, I just look to see when other parents are cheering and use that as my own personal signal to start clapping too.
I've tried. I just can't. I find no joy in the game. Sorry but really, I'm not sorry.
I did find it comical though during the Vikings/Packers game that cramps were an issue on the field with players. I know that the weather was a bit warmer and was the cause but it was just a bit comical to me that players stopped playing because of cramps when woman deal with cramps that can bring us to the floor about every 28 days. Of course, this varies for each woman and some experience none...but some of those cramps out there WILL BRING YOU TO YOUR KNEES. We still go to work, make supper for the family, run the errands, get the kids to all of their activities and do all of the things. A heating pad and some Midol might be helpful but we rarely get to just stop what we are doing to handle a cramp. I may not know much about football but I do know about that. #justsayin
Pretty sure I will have more fun on Twitter at another game soon...cause it seems to be on tv All.The.Time. Enjoy my tweets...and you can find more of them on my Twitter page (click here).
Jessica's Tweets
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