The Hidden $650,000 Rochester Home On The Secret Pill Hill Avenue
I've been seeing the for sale sign in Rochester for a while now, but every time I go on the Googles, I can't find the home for sale. I wasn't working my butt off to find it, but you know, every couple weeks I'd go back and try again. All I'd find was a different avenue/street on Pill Hill.
Turns out it's because Google doesn't go down the avenue...it's a private drive with a city street address. You go up the 6th Street SW hill, turn left onto the cobblestone street, and then IMEDIATELY turn left again onto the private drive.
And there's the home. This beautiful, hidden away home, shielded from the noise and bustle of the city along with only two neighbors on 8th Avenue SW in Rochester, Minnesota, if for sale at $650,000. And not one person I asked knew this li'l avenue existed
Love Ketchup Chips? Click to see where to get then in Rochester.
Built in 1922, this "more than two level" home has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, over 4,000 square feet on a .16 acre lot, and has two wood burning fireplaces. One in the living room and the other in the master bedroom.
My parents had a wood burning fireplace in their bedroom...very old school, and I love the aroma as it drifted around the 2nd floor.
If I had $600k, I would Buy This House Yesterday
It's not super fancy, but it's my idea of super comfortable, cute, real home built in an era of homes I want to live. There's a lot packed into a small lot here.
Cute and Quaint Home on Pill Hill's Hidden Avenue
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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