See the HUGE Boxes of Cereal Channel One Regional Food Bank Gets
The thing that always catches my breath is the size of the place. Not the offices, they're tucked away in a corner and almost invisible. I'm talking about the actual "bank" part at Rochester's Channel One Regional Food Bank. The amount of storage is not just surprising, its hopeful.
But the size of the boxes the national brands send in is just...hilarious! Literally makes me chuckle every time I see them. Here's an empty one after a big day of repackaging.
Here's the cereal, repackaged.
A different day, a different cereal!
These huge shipments of cereal are just one example of why cash donations are so important to Channel One. A can of food is a good donation, but just $1.00 can buy four meals thru the network Channel One uses to get cereal.
Check thru the gallery below to see volunteers in action. Be a volunteer, it is fun, rewarding, and at times, tiring work. What's better than tiring yourself out helping other people? Nothing. Click HERE to volunteer.
The Food Shelf part of the Channel One helps feed people locally, the Food Bank helps feed people over a much larger territory. From Channel One...
In order to feed our region’s hungry, Channel One Regional Food Bank takes in millions of pounds of surplus food from the food industry.
That food is then distributed through our network of member agencies, including food shelves, soup kitchens, group homes and shelters.
This past fiscal year, Channel One Regional Food Bank distributed over nine million pounds of food through the hunger relief network that serves a 14-county service area in Southeast Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. The volume of this hunger relief work would not be possible without the generous support from our many food donors in the region.

<p style="text-align: center;"><em>Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on <a href="http://y105fm.com/" target="_blank">Y-105 FM</a></em></p>
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