Should SE Minnesota School Buses Get These Cameras?
Stopping for a school bus with its red lights flashing should be obvious for ALL drivers. But it's not. One school district in Virginia is hoping by adding technology to the side of its buses will re-enforce drivers stopping. Virginia Beach City Public Schools are going to be installing cameras on the outside of school buses to help catch illegally-passing drivers, according to WTKR news. Bloomington schools just added some, so, should Faribault think about doing the same?
After a 2018 initiative to raise awareness about bus stop safety the Virginia school system is taking its next steps by attaching cameras to the side of its buses to capture drivers who do not stop for the bus’ flashing lights.
The footage will be collected and handed over to the police department, who will then issue citations to the driver.
The news piece says that the cameras will come at no cost to taxpayers because the money collected from the tickets outweighs the cost of the technology being installed.
Need a refresher on Minnesota's rules regarding school buses? When children are entering or exiting the bus and the stop sign is extended, drivers MUST stop at least 20 feet away from the bus. Drivers aren't allowed to move until the stop sign is no longer extended and the bus's red lights are no longer flashing.
You're also not allowed to pass a school bus on the right-hand side when the bus is flashing their pre-warning lights. If you don't stop for the school bus you're guilty of a misdemeanor which also comes with a recently increased $500 fine.