Have you ever heard of a successful pick-up line? Typically, you only hear about the cringe-worthy lines that sound a lot like bad dad jokes. Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see. C’mon, really? Has that line ever worked?

People have been hooking up for ages so clearly, some pick-up lines are an effective ice breaker, but what is the best approach? Bespoke Surgical decided to find out which lines actually work so they surveyed people from all over the country to find the most successful or appealing ones. Read on to see what type of line is most effective here in Minnesota.

The Cringiest Pick-Up Lines

Bespoke Surgical asked respondents to share the worst lines they had heard.

Young woman with disgusted expression repulsing something, isolated on the pink
  • Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got fine written all over you
  • I’m glad I brought my library card because I’m checking you out
  • You gotta be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day
  • Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see
  • I lost my number. Can I borrow yours?
  • Are you a beaver? Because dam…

You are much more likely to get an awkward chuckle and a massive eyeroll than a phone number if you drop one of those lines. If you're really interested in a person, you don't have to try so hard.

The Best Type of Pick-Up Line To Use in Minnesota


Minnesotans don’t want to hear lame lines, but instead prefer to hear compliments. That’s true across most of the country. Save the lame joke and instead praise something about the person’s appearance or personality and you’ll have a much better chance of landing a date.

Sip a Drink at One of These Relaxing Bars in Rochester

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