Cool Down With The Best: Minnesota’s Top 5 Popsicle Flavors!
When you buy a brand new box of popsicles that have a variety of flavors, which one are you picking first?
I remember when I was a kid, during the summer we'd be playing outside all day in the sprinkler or riding our bikes and when we came home, we knew that there would be a delicious popsicle waiting for us. This was back in the 80's so we didn't have the huge variety to pick from at the store like we do today but there was the classic box that had the red, orange, green, and purple popsicles that were packed in some sort of white packaging. Why they picked "white" instead of some clear packaging is a mystery but it always left us wondering and guessing what color was under that wrapper.
What's your favorite popsicle flavor? I asked a bunch of people throughout Minnesota and found the top 5 answers.
Top 5 Popsicle Flavors in Minnesota
A few other favorites that didn't make the top 5 list, but are great answers include...Vodka and Bomb Pops.
What's your favorite popsicle flavor?
One thing that makes everyone unique is that we all like different things. Maybe THAT is why we have so many different kinds of popsicles now. Hmmm.
If you had your pick of all of the popsicles, which one would you pick as your #1? My favorite popsicle flavor is normally cherry, but I do love grape as well. Those are my 1st and 2nd choice. I'd love to hear what yours are! You can send me a message on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio or just comment on the Y-105FM Facebook page below.
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