20 Items From Walmart You Can Never Return – Here’s The List
The holiday season is here and it has been reported that 50% of people buying gifts for Christmas are going to stores like Walmart and Target. And as you know, sometimes, the stuff we buy does NOT work and we have to wait in the long customer service line to make a return.
Millions of returns are processed every year at the big box store we know as Walmart. Before you look around for your receipt and come to a store with the hopes of getting cash back, you should probably know that there are a few items at Walmart that are NOT returnable.
READ MORE: New Rules Now In Place For Walmart Shoppers
20 Items You Can Never Return to Walmart Stores in Minnesota
Before you start walking around the store or hitting that "Add to Cart" button online, take a glimpse at the items below. Being proactive now might save you a few dollars down the road and here's why - the items below can never be returned to Walmart stores.
20 Items You Can Never Return to Walmart Stores
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
You know what they say - there is always a reason for a rule. If Walmart had to put an item on the "Not Returnable" list, you know that someone has walked up to that service counter and tried.
And not sure about you, but I just learned that Walmart sells coins and precious metals. Walmart isn't really what comes to mind when I think of buying items like that, but if the opportunity ever pops up for me to have some extra cash to buy those items, I'll keep this big box store in mind.
What Does Code Brown Mean at Walmart Stores?
Not to freak you out, but if you happen to be wandering down aisle 4 at Walmart and you hear "Code Brown" over the intercom, I'd suggest staying calm but getting out of the store as soon as you possibly can. The reason is below.
Code Brown and Other Secrets Revealed About Minnesota Walmart Stores
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
READ MORE: 15 Items From Amazon That You Can Never Return
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Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
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