What Do You Do When A Blizzardopia Hits? Watch A Giraffe Cam That’s What!
April the giraffe is expecting a new calf anyminutenow!
So, this was my neighborhood around 9:30 this morning. The boys helped me clear the driveway. We had a snowball fight and flung snow at each other from our shovels. We did make it out to stock up on supplies. We've got more snow coming as "Blizzardopia"(tm) continues; but the forecast is calling for a Winter Weather Advisory the rest of Friday night.
School was called off. A lot of places were closed on account of the weather. What to do with a perfectly good day off? Sledding? Tubing? Build a sno- awww, great, now I can't get that song out of my head!
No, on a perfectly gorgeous Snow Day, the best thing to do is watch the Giraffe Cam! Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, NY has been Live with their Giraffe Cam today. 15-year-old April is about to give birth to her fourth calf!
This is riveting stuff! She could deliver. At. Any. SECOND. I. Can't. Stop. Watching.
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