As you drive through any Minnesota neighborhood, homeowners can find creative ways to show their individuality, such as through the landscaping in their yards.

Minnesotans also have ways to show the things and people they support, and not just during election years when yard signs can be prevalent. For example, I've seen flags hung on windows to support various organizations.

Many people also change the color of their porch lights to show support. However, knowing what those different-colored porch lights represent can be a bit confusing, unlike a sign or a flag.

Below are six common colors you may see shining on porches in Minnesota and what they represent.

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6 Porch Light Colors to Watch Out For and What They Mean In Minnesota

There are several different colors you may see in someone's porch light, but what do those colors mean? Below are the most common answers.

Also, please remember that regardless of the color, a blinking porch light means that someone inside is under duress and needs immediate help.

Gallery Credit: Lisha B

SEE NOW: Remember These? 40 Discontinued Cereals People Used To Love 

These Common Household Are Now Banned In Minnesota

A hot topic lately is PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as "forever chemicals" because they are difficult for humans to detoxify and have half-lives measured in years. These chemicals accumulate in the body over time and can cause significant health issues even at low exposure levels

PFAS are commonly found in the environment and the human body and have been linked to a range of health concerns including increased cholesterol levels, potential disruption of hormone systems, reduced immune function, increased risk of certain cancers, developmental issues in children, and reproductive problems, particularly in pregnant women.

On January 1, 2024, Minnesota prohibited PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging. The state is taking an even more aggressive stance against the chemicals in 2025.

According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the first prohibitions of products containing intentionally added PFAS under Amara's Law (Minn. Stat. § 116.943) are now in effect in Minnesota, meaning you can no longer legally purchase these items.

If you're wondering if you already have products with intentionally added PFAS, you can take the following steps to be sure:

  • Check the label - Look for products that are labeled as PFAS-free. 
  • Check for keywords - Look for words like "waterproof," "stain-repellent," or "dirt-repellant" on the tag. 
  • Check for ingredients - Avoid products that contain ingredients with "perfluoro" or "fluoro" in their name. 
  • Use a third-party verification service - Some organizations offer third-party verification of products that claim to be made without PFAS. 

As of January 1, 2025, you can no longer purchase products with intentionally added PFAS in Minnesota. These products fall under the 11 categories below.

Gallery Credit: David Drew

14 Of The Most Minnesota MNDOT Road Sign Messages

Gallery Credit: Ken Hayes

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