Best ’80’s Memory? My High School French Class!
Y LOVES The '80's all weekend with Rochester's Best Variety!
What was YOUR best '80's memory?
Mine was my high school French class.
Looking back, maybe I should have signed up for Spanish. My brothers and my sister all took Spanish. If I was looking for help at home, that may have been a better idea. I wanted to be different. I wanted to be unique. So I took French.
I found I was not very good at French. But my French teacher was pretty cool. Mrs. Patsavas made class a lot of fun. She was the reason I struggled through four years of it.
At the end of our Senior year of French class, we wrote and performed a play. We picked Little Red Riding Hood.
In our adaptation of the fairy tale, we did the original version, then switched to a more "contemporary" version. I played The Wolf in the original version. In the contemporary version, The Huntsman I played was a Cop. As The Wolf, I wore brown sweats and used an eyeliner pencil to color my nose. My costume change was throwing on a sport jacket and a fedora and wiping off the eyeliner. I had a cap gun to shoot The Wolf with. After eight hours of performing our fairy tale, my nose was either brown or red. From using a damp paper towel. The last hour we even ad-libbed. Instead of shooting the Wolf, I tossed the gun to Red, yelled, "Couvre moi!" and tackled The Wolf. It got a huge laugh, because he was on the football team. And was twice my size. If I remember right, I think I ended up in a headlock.
What's YOUR best '80's memory?