Now that news that a Buccee's is being built in Wisconsin, it seems like another popular gas station is really working hard to get our attention. is working.  Not only have they launched milk that tastes like ice cream and teasing about pink lemonade donuts, but now they are making sure we have everything we need for the summer.  And by "everything", I mean "swimsuits".

Yes, the gas station that was picked as the best in the entire United States which is based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, now has a swim line...and it looks very similar to a popular tv show that Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff starred in.  Yep...Baywatch.

READ MORE: Wisconsin-Based Gas Station Once Again Named Best In The Entire U.S.


Dearest Readers Who Think Everyone Born Before The Year 2000 Are Ancient...

We've heard you say, "I can't believe you were born in the 1900's" with disgust on your face as we describe what life was like when rotary phones were our life.  Just so you know, we rocked the perms, mullets, and Birkenstocks first.  And this is going to shock you but that Champion brand you love so much, that was available in our time (and looked exactly the same) but that was the brand people wore that weren't popular.  We are also well aware that you think the TV shows we watched back then are too grainy and if they are in black and white, you refuse to have anything to do with it.  We didn't have social media back then but we did have one of the most popular shows ever.  It may have even been more popular than your precious Bridgerton on Netflix.

Pamela Anderson Signs Copies Of "Baywatch" DVD Seasons 1 & 2
Getty Images

Most Popular Gas Station In The Midwest (and U.S.) Is Now Selling Baywatch Style Swimsuits

Everyone who grew up in the 80's and 90's is having some major deja vu right now.  Some swimsuits just showed up on a beach in Wisconsin that look just like the Baywatch suits that guys drooled over back in the day.  This time, instead of the word "Baywatch" across the front, it says "Kwik Trip".

Gas station swimsuits were not on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are. 🏊‍♀️

- Kwik Trip Instagram Page



How Much Are The New Kwik Trip "Baywatch" Swimsuits?

I just checked prices on the summer gear that Kwik Trip is selling and the prices aren't that bad!  Here is a rundown on costs if you are thinking about making a purchase to look like you were on the Kwik Trip "Baywatch" show:

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Did You Know That There Is A Kid-Sized Kwik Trip in Wisconsin You Can Visit?

Before I even knew that Kwik Trip was based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, I took my kids on fun little outings during the summer.  One spot they loved was the Children's Museum!  We spent hours there and had so much fun.  If you've got little kids, add this to your summer bucket list

READ MORE: Your Kid Will Love This Fun-Sized Kwik Trip

Responses Heard To 'See You Next Time' In Minnesota & Wisconsin Kwik Trip Stores

How do you respond to the Kwik Trip trademark phrase "see you next time"? These are some responses heard in stores across Minnesota and Wisconsin. The last one is probably one of my favorites!

Gallery Credit: Nick Cooper

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