Minnesota Man’s Deep Fried Coffee Recipe (VIDEO)

Do you have a fryer? Do you love coffee? Then you're going to LOVE Deep Fried Coffee! Here's the recipe...
It was 2015 I first figured out how to deep fry coffee.
I was at Fry Fest (an event friends put on every year). At Fry Fest, everyone brings something to deep fat fry. Then we fry it. Not complicated, and super fun. So, I brought coffee to deep fat fry. How do you do it? Like this...
Here's what you need to deep fry coffee.
- Get one pound cake (I bought Sara Lee from the freezer section), 12 oz. of your favorite flavored coffee beverage, and a deep fryer.
- Slice up the pound cake. Pour the coffee drink over the pound cake (about a minute before deep-frying). Deep fry it for a few minutes. Let it cool a bit. Eat it.
I'm not sure it's worth all the trouble, but hey, you can say you deep-fried coffee, and that is worth all the trouble. See the notes after the video.
- It's possible it would have been much tastier with fresh oil. We popped 'em in at the end of Fry Fest, and the dirty oil may have negatively contributed to the taste (or positively, who knows?).
- Do not leave a container of sliced pound cake out for all to see. It is impossible to resist pound cake, and your friends will eat it. They have to. It's the pound cake law.
- I'll bet it'd taste great with a Toasted Graham Latte, which is s'posed to taste like cereal milk, but I just couldn't bring myself to deal with the pretentious sizing and barista, so, instead, I went to a small drive-thru where service us a big deal.
If any restaurant wants to pick this up like a dessert, I won't even charge you a consulting fee. Just name it Deep Fried Coffee a la Raybee (wrong spelling, but people will pronounce it correctly, and I'LL know it's about me. lol ).
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