You probably saw the forecast for Rochester, Minnesota on Halloween.  If you missed it, you can see it here but just know, it is going to leave you with extremely frozen fingers by the end of all the trick-or-treating.  It's not a huge deal for most of us because we've got Cuddle-duds, long underwear, gloves, scarfs, hats, and winter coats that we can throw on as we get cold.  That is, unless your child has outgrown their winter gear.  FYI, it is time to have your kids try those on because at least 70% of kids grow so much that they need new winter gear.

Unfortunately, that's not the case for everyone in our community and if you've got any extra winter gear, I'm wondering if you could drop it off this weekend to share the warmth?

Coat drive
Image Source ThinkStock

Share the Warmth Annual Coat Drive Happening Saturday, October 30th in Rochester, Minnesota

This Saturday, October 30th, drive over to Charlie's Eatery & Pub North and drop off any new or slightly used winter gear for those in our community who could use some extra items to stay warm this winter.  The Rochester Elks Lodge #1091 is helping collect items from 9 am until 5 pm for those in our community that are homeless, military vets, and kids in need. The items will be distributed by Catholic Charities and Rochester Community Warming Shelter.

Rudy Naul
Rudy Naul
Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams

One more easy and fun way to help with the Share the Warmth event in Rochester

Last year, I had the chance to help collect items with the crew at this event.  This year, YOU have that chance too!  (And I HIGHLY recommend that if you've got an hour to spare, you be part of this!). See what volunteer opportunities are available at the Sign Up Genius page here.
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Do you know of another event happening that is helping people in our community? Let me know on my Facebook page  (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.

If you are out shopping for new winter gear, check out these new stores at the Apache Mall!

Have you heard about the 5 new stores opened up recently at the Apache Mall in Rochester, Minnesota?  If you are out shopping at Scheel's or JC Penney for new winter gear for your kids, check out the 5 stores below that are brand new to the mall!

5 New Stores At the Apache Mall in Rochester, Minnesota

If you haven't been to the Apache Mall in Rochester, Minnesota lately, there are quite a few new stores for you to check out! Lots of chatter lately about stores that were "Coming Soon!" and personally, I've been anxiously waiting for a few of the new places to open up so I can start browsing. Well, lucky for all of us, they are now all open!

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