The Spin Doctors Liked My Tweet and I’m FanBoying!
You ever have a celebrity like or share your social media post or comment? It happened to me and ohmygosh, what a rush!
Remember The Spin Doctors?
Spin Doctors are an American rock band from New York City, best known for their early 1990s hits, "Two Princes" and "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong", which peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at No. 7 and No. 17, respectively.[2]
I LOVED playing their songs on the radio. Fun, energetic, and sassy. The lead singer and one of the founders, Chris Barron, is super active on Twitter. In fact, just the other day, he liked my response to his Tweet!
That Time A Celebrity Liked My Tweet and I Got All Excited
Holy Mother of Pearl. I had no idea how exciting it was to have a band you liked like your social media thingy. I mean, once "God" (@thegoodgodabove) liked a Tweet of mine, but so not the same thing. I played SD's songs on the radio, still do. It is a whole different feeling.
Also, if you love cats? Chris Barron is your Caturday Tweeter! I was looking for a Tweet he shared with a cat getting the news it is preggo, and there are so many cats, my finger got tired of scrolling (it was a CATastrophe).
I haven't seen the other band members Tweeting (Eric Schenkman on guitar and vocals, Aaron Comess on drums, and Mark White playing bass guitar, which means he's the sensible one. All bass players are super sensible. It's the law of bands).
Anyway, here's Chris back in the day at Woodstock 1994, lead singing.
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